Paper Chromatography Quiz

Test your understanding of paper chromatography with these carefully crafted multiple-choice questions. Designed for 11th grade, this quiz covers principles, techniques, calculations, and common issues in paper chromatography.

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1. What is the primary principle behind paper chromatography?

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2. In paper chromatography, the stationary phase is typically:

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3. Which of the following is NOT a type of paper chromatography?

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4. Why should the starting line of the sample in paper chromatography be above the solvent level?

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5. Retention factor (R) is calculated as:

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6. A good Rf value for effective separation typically lies between:

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7. Which of the following factors does NOT affect Rf values?

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8. Which solvent system is most suitable for separating polar compounds?

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9. In two-dimensional paper chromatography, why is the paper rotated by 90° between runs?

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10. What type of compounds are generally difficult to separate using paper chromatography?

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11. Which reagent is commonly used to visualize amino acids separated by paper chromatography?

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12. In paper chromatography, if two solutes have the same Rf value, they:

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13. If a sample spot travels 3 cm and the solvent front travels 6 cm, what is the Rf value?

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14. If two substances have very similar Rf values in one solvent system, what technique can be used to improve separation?

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