What is Specific Gravity?

Specific gravity (SG) is a unitless value that compares the density of a substance to the density of water at 4°C (1000 kg/m³). If a substance has an SG greater than 1, it sinks in water; if it is less than 1, it floats.

What is Density?

Density is the mass per unit volume of a substance, measured in kg/m³ (SI unit). It indicates how much matter is packed into a given space.

Formula for Converting Specific Gravity and Density

  • Density (kg/m³) = Specific Gravity × 1000
  • Specific Gravity = Density (kg/m³) / 1000

Step-by-Step Calculation

  1. Find the given value: Either specific gravity or density.
  2. Use the appropriate formula: Multiply by 1000 to get density, or divide by 1000 to get SG.
  3. Interpret the result: Compare with water’s density to determine if the substance floats or sinks.

Common Substances: Specific Gravity & Density

SubstanceSpecific GravityDensity (kg/m³)
Water (4°C)1.001000
Air (20°C)0.00121.2

Asked by Students

Q: Can specific gravity be negative?
A: No, specific gravity is always positive since it is a ratio of densities.

Q: Does temperature affect specific gravity?
A: Yes, as temperature changes, the density of substances changes, affecting specific gravity.

Q: Why is water’s specific gravity 1?
A: Because it is the reference substance used for comparison.

Use this calculator to convert between specific gravity and density for various substances quickly!

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